Adventure on the First Night!

After a FANTASTIC first day campers headed to Sweeney to take showers brush their teeth and get ready for bed. Campers were happy and talking excitedly about their adventures from the day. At 9:15pm as the oldest campers finished up all of a sudden… DARK! A power outage! All campers and staff stayed calm and showers continued by flashlight (because really you can take a normal shower anywhere but a shower by flashlight?! Camp at its best!).

The power was out but the weather overall was pretty mild- just some rain and a little wind but nothing severe. Campers went to bed with no power but it popped back on at 4:07am and life is back to normal (and light) this morning. 

Just an FYI to all parents- SAFETY is our number one priority at CYC. In the event of severe weather we are paying close attention to the radar (wireless internet on phones as well as a weather radio make it possible even without power). The Sweeney basement is safe and we are prepared to bring campers to that building at any time day or night. 

Camp Director Natalie watches weather constantly and even in the middle of the night is paying attention. Even the two camp dogs help out- as they sleep next to Camp Director Natalie and are both quite light sleepers- even a small amount of wind or rain wakes keeps them alert. We are all paying attention so that we can keep everyone at CYC safe. 

In the event of an emergency or severe weather we will use this blog or facebook to update our status. Even without power we have several people offsite that we call who can update from a distance to keep you informed.

In any of these situations all staff will be working directly with the kids and unable to answer the phones. Please do not panic if we do not answer or we do not call you back right away. Our priority is keeping kids physically and emotionally safe and we will be busy with that until everyone is back to happily playing and in activities. 

This morning is sunny and gorgeous and everyone is excited and ready for the day ahead!

"What camp means to me is learning about God, making friends and having fun. But the most important thing is being yourself. We have lots of fun at camp. The counselors are great, the friends are nice, the themes are awesome, and the games rule! When I grow too old to come to camp I want to be a camp counselor, but for now, I will enjoy the fun at camp. See you this year!" - Josh

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