Tuesday Morning of OPC

 A birthday surprise!

This morning as we all sat and waited for breakfast to begin we had quite a surprise! The speakers started up and lead staff marched in with all their bells and whistles (yes there were actually bells and whistles). 

Today is Kyle’s birthday; he’s turning eleven. In honor of his birthday the entire camp sang him happy birthday and he was presented with the birthday boy regalia (a large red birthday sash) and a set of birthday privileges. Not only will his cabin be first in line for meals all day today he also gets to be first in line for the camp store (where he gets a free ice cream treat!).

Birthday’s at camp are very exciting. I’m just hoping for some birthday treats at lunch…

Mud pit and a dip in the lake…

In addition to the birthday excitement this morning there was one more very exciting activity. Campers and staff played tug-o-war over our fabulous mud pit. After going toe to toe in competition (Cormac and H’s cabin ended up taking first prize) campers were allowed to cover themselves in mud (photos this afternoon). Afterwards we jumped into the lake and washed ourselves off.

Now it’s campstore break then another activity then lunch. Stay tuned for mud pit pictures and more information this afternoon!

"To me, CYC is a place where I can really be myself and make new friends. At CYC, I feel safe and happy. The counselors at camp have inspired me. I feel closer to God since my experience at CYC." - Anna

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