Wednesday- Harry Potter

 What a busy day at CYC!

There were so many things going on today! There were the usual great things like cabin activities and individual activities but also some exciting things that were just a little different than usual.

This morning the campers were busy with cabin activities and then a little rain gave us the chance to watch an AWESOME counselor show! Luckily after the show (hilarious) the rain stopped and we went back to activities. 

Our ‘C’ of the day was Christ. Not only are we a community that PLAYS together we are a community that PRAYS together. Father Mike from St. Bernards in St Paul joined us this afternoon and we took some time away from the crazy silly camp activities and celebrated Mass together. 

After dinner (BBQ pulled pork sandwiches!) campers enjoyed a Harry Potter themed carnival! Campers visited Bertie Botts to taste the every flavor beans attempted to "dunk" the program directors by winning the ring toss (which resulted in buckets of water getting dumped on them!) and many other fun games!

For our final activity of the evening we turned on the disco ball blasted the music and let loose at the FABULOUS dance party! And you better believe these kids can dance! 

Whew! Are you tired from reading all of that? We have had a JAM PACKED day of fun! 

Have you been on our Pinterest Board yet? Check out lots of great articles about the benefit of camp-

"To me Catholic Youth Camp is a place I can be myself and know others will not judge me. Plus it is a place where I can learn more about my religion and proclaim it to the world freely." - JP

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