Olympic Tuesday

 What a perfect day at CYC! It was perfect for a morning filled with archery canoeing sports geocaching fort building and much more. After cabin activities cabins competed in Olympic relays. Campers had to carry an egg on a spoon pass slippery noodles carry a tiny coin across the field (in between their knees) and cheer cheer cheer!

After a delicious lunch of tacos and cabin rest time campers divided into individual activities. The drama groups worked on their skits for the talent show the arts and crafts kids were making paper rocket models the sports group played with the parachute fishers fished swimmers swam campers shot archery/slingshots/and thew tomahawks canoers canoed and outdoor adventure campers built a tee pee! It was a busy afternoon!

It’s been a full day of fun but there’s still more to come! This evening we will play our favorite camp game called Angels and Demons. Angels are positioned throughout the forest and campers must take a piece of paper to each angel to get it signed and then bring the paper back to the bucket. The team with the most papers wins. However if they are tagged by the demons (don’t worry- it’s just counselors!) they have to give up their paper and try again. Campers have to be fast clever and strategic!

After A&D we will all head to the chapel to end our day with Praise and Worship! Yesterday we learned about all 5 Cs and focused on courage. Today we will be discussing cooperation and singing at the top of our lungs as we praise God!

After the campfire we ended the day in Praise and Worship. Our ‘C’ for the day is Charity. In addition to listening to a talk about why charity is important we raised the roof and shook the rafters with our enthusiastic singing (accompanied by the CYC Jam Band!).

We are having a blast and excited for more adventures tomorrow.

Have you checked out the photo gallery yet? See all of our adventures here-


"To me Catholic Youth Camp is a place I can be myself and know others will not judge me. Plus it is a place where I can learn more about my religion and proclaim it to the world freely." - JP

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