Inventor Tuesday!

 What a perfect day at CYC! Once again we started the day with polar bear plunge. The sun was shining bright (even at 7:15) and we knew it would be a hot day!

After breakfast flag raising and morning chapel (or ‘C’ of the day is Charity) we headed to cabin activities. It was perfect for a morning filled with archery canoeing sports nature swimming and much more. 

Our morning theme activity challenged campers to think like inventors as we built marshmallow shooters! Using cups and balloons we launches mini marshmallows into hula hoops competed to see who could shoot the farthest and then just shot and shot because well shooting mini marshmallows is FUN! Check out the directions here-

After a delicious lunch of hot ham and cheese sandwiches followed by some cabin rest time campers divided into individual activities. The drama groups worked on their skits for the talent show the arts and crafts kids were making mosaics and baskets the sports group played with the parachute fishers fished swimmers swam campers shot archery/slingshots/and thew tomahawks canoers canoed campfire cooking made pudgie pies and survival skills built a fire! It was a busy afternoon!

We had dinner (tacos!) and then it was time for some cabin free time. Cabins are working hard to earn spirit points and were busy with games and other activities. 

As if we hadn’t already packed enough activity into the day after cabin time we sang and cheered our way down to the friendship circle for the tuesday campfire. We sang our cabin cheers (showing SO much spirit!) were entertained by a hilarious counselor show sang lots of songs and then we made s’mores while singing more songs.

We are having a blast and excited for more adventures tomorrow.

Have you visited the CYC YouTube channel yet? Check out slideshows from previous weeks goofy videos of camp staff and much more! 

"Not once did I EVER hear put downs. And CYC is the best camp to be at!!! And I bet this year will be even better." - Isabel

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