Sunday of Operation Purple

 It’s been a great first day of the week! The sun was shining and it was HOT as parents dropped the campers off. Once everyone had arrived we divided into cabins to get to know each other move into our bunks and then tour around camp playing games doing activities and talking about the week ahead.  

Dinner was pizza and popcorn chicken (a camp favorite) and then it was time for more touring and games. On Sunday nights campers sign up for the three individual activities they will do each day for one hour. Campers choose between arts and crafts archery/slingshot/tomahawk canoe/kayak fishing dance drama sports campfire cooking swimming and choir. Cabins also sign up for activities that they will do as a group (including the activities listed above as well as options for low ropes creating a talent show act theme activities or nature). Campers are very busy during the week!!

At 7:30 it was time for our opening campfire unfortunately there was a little bit of rain so we headed to the basement of the dining hall instead. We were able to do everything that we would have at the campfire except have an actual fire. But campers were in good spirits- filled with energy and ready to kick off the week!

We sang some fun camp songs talked about how to make the week ahead a "perfect world" at camp and discussed the theme of the week- "Kids Serve Too!" It’s great to be part of a military family and this week at camp we have all branches of the military represented. 

It’s going to be an awesome week at camp!

Keep up with our adventures this week on our photo site-

"CYC means a lot to me, it means growing in faith, having friendships that may last forever and just having fun." - Jennifer

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