Monday of Olympic Week

 What a great first full day of camp! Campers and counselors were BUSY having fun today!

Bright and early at 7:15 a few brave souls headed down to the beach to start their day by jumping in the lake. Polar bear plunge is chilly but a great way to start the day! Breakfast was scrambled eggs and bacon morning chapel introduced our ‘C’ of the day (cooperation) and then it was time for 2 hours of cabin activities. The cabins were busy with skits arts and crafts fishing archery and playing some intense soccer. Every cabin is signed up to paddle board at some point this week and we are super excited because they are brand new (they arrived Friday of last week!).

After the first two cabin activities cabins painted cabin flags and came up with cabin cheers. They also made gorgeous tie dye tee shirts that they will be wearing on Friday! 

Lunch was sloppy joes fries fruit and veggies. Afterwards an hour of quiet rest time was just what everyone needed to recharge for the afternoon. 

After rest time it was time for the first individual activity that they signed up for last night. Each activity brings together boys and girls from different cabins. Individual activity periods last one hour each and campers will do the same two activities each day. Arts and crafts archery/tomahawk/slingshot canoe/kayak fishing dance drama sports swimming and campfire cooking. It was a great start to the week! 

Dinner was ravioli garlic bread salad veggies and brownies. After we ate it was time for our opening Olympic ceremony. Cabins processed through camp shouting their cheers so loud and getting excited! We ended the procession at the fire circle using our Olympic torch to light the fire! 

Next up was our favorite camp game- Angels and Demons. Campers are divided into two teams. Campers have to run through the forest and go to each of the three angels stationed throughout the woods. Campers get little scraps of paper signed at each station and once they have all 3 they bring it back and put it in their team bucket. Whichever team has the most at the end wins! BUT there are also demons scattered through the forest and if they tag the campers the campers have to give up their paper and try again. You have to be fast or you have to be clever to sneak around the demons. Either way it is a blast and everyone loves this game! 

As the day winds to a close we head to the flag pole to lower the flag and sing our "day is done" songs. And then the best way to end the day is with Praise and Worship! Praise and worship gave campers more opportunities to sing (they’ve been belting out the camp songs all day everywhere they go!) and listen to one of our counselors talk about our ‘C’ of the day- cooperation. 

It’s been a great day at CYC! 

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"When I think of CYC, I think most of all about FUN! CYC is the best camp EVER! Love helps the CYC community tie together as a family. I love all the activities and games and my friends." - Ellie

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