Thursday of Gauntlet

 Our last day of the week might have been the best yet!


Overnight there was a big thunderstorm and at 2:45am we lost power. The storm didn’t last long (it was over by about 3:15) but we woke up without power. We still started the day with early morning activities and polar bear plunge. For breakfast we ate cereal yogurt and fruit and then we officially started the day with morning chapel and cabin activities.


At 11:30 we all headed to the beach for an all camp beach party! It was the perfect day for it because it was HOT today! Even the camp dog Olivia and camp baby Xander made an appearance.


For lunch we had hot dogs potato salad pasta salad fruit and salad and then it was time for rest hour.


Individual activities were in full swing- the drama group getting ready for the talent show canoe groups tipped (and rescued) canoes swimmers were swimming. It was a great afternoon.


Dinner was grilled hamburgers baked potatoes (made in the fire pit!) salad and baked beans.


After dinner we headed to the Friendship Circle for the fantastic talent show. But before the show started we enjoyed a special dessert- unlimited ice cream sandwiches popsicles and lemon ice. Unfortunately due to the power outage we are going to lose some of our food. Lead staff spent some time this afternoon loading coolers with ice and saving what could be saved. And the rest well instead of throwing it away campers got to eat as much ice cream as the could. That has never happened at CYC before but this is our special teen week so that’s what we did!


We enjoyed the fantastic talent show and then it was time for a lip sync battle! Each cabin prepared two songs and tonight it was time to show off our acts! Lead staff acted as judges scoring between 5-10 points per act. In the end the boys’ cabin was the overall winner but all of the cabins were fantastic!


After the talent show we grabbed our towels some soap and shampoo and headed to the beach for “showers”. Without power we don’t have water but we do have a lake so we cooled down had some fun and even cleaned up a little.


After swimming we all headed to the chapel for our last praise and worship of the week. We sung some songs said some prayers and then had our closing bead ceremony where each camper is awarded a bead necklace with one of 5 colored beads- each representing one of the 5 Cs. Counselors select the C that best represents their campers and each camper is given a necklace to recognize their virtue.


Even without power we are having a fabulous day and an outstanding week!


"CYC is a great place to have fun, make friends, and share your faith. At camp, you can make a new friend almost anywhere like during activities, around the campfire, or in your cabin. If you get homesick, you’ll have nice friends and understanding counselors to help you out. You won’t need to worry about it too much because you’ll be having fun all day. No matter where you are, fishing, swimming, or playing soccer, you’ll be having a great time. CYC rocks!" - Joe

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