Birthday Bash Sunday

Our birthday bash has begun as our campers have arrived and settled into their cabins. We kicked off our first night of the week with a dinner followed by cake and ice cream. Because, what’s a birthday party without cake and ice cream?



Birthday Dinner

This evening, we gathered at friendship circle for an all-camp Pep Fest. During the Pep Fest, we danced, sang, and got to know our wonderful counselors. Each cabin sat together around the fire pit and, on only the first day, the cabin spirit is already coming alive.

All-Camp Pep Fest

All-Camp Pep Fest

Following the pep fest, we headed to the chapel for Holy Ground and Praise and Worship. During Holy Ground, we discussed our first of the five Cs: courage. After challenging our campers to a week of courage here at camp, we sang praises in front of the tabernacle. After Praise and Worship, our campers left the chapel and entered into cabin devotionals to end an exciting day before heading off to sweeney to get ready for bed. We can’t wait for a full day of birthday celebrations tomorrow!

Posted by Media and Marketing Relations Coordinator Josie Soehnge

"To me, CYC is a place where I can really be myself and make new friends. At CYC, I feel safe and happy. The counselors at camp have inspired me. I feel closer to God since my experience at CYC." - Anna

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