Christmas Thursday!

It was our last full day of camp this week and so we crammed as much goodness as we could possibly cram into a day! 

Cabins started teh day with chapel and then two cabin activities. There was a lot of canoeing swimming shooting archery and many more fun things. For our all camp activity it was more Christmas fun! We had "Elf Training" stations that cabins rotated between- the crazy Christmas photo station (cabins came up with their best pose because elves are very photogenic) two different team builders (because elves work together) and "catching" bows using candy cane hooks (an elf skill) 

After lunch (meatball subs) the it was a great day to have an archery/throwing tomahawk/slingshot competition canoe groups to tip into the lake and learn to rescue the sports group to compete the fishing group to make fishing poles out of pop cans and the swim group to go swimming. The drama group and dance groups were busy with last minute rehearsal for the talent show and the campfire cooking group made dutch oven bread!

After dinner we were surprised with some rain and we lost power at camp! It was time for the talent show but luckily it was still light out and we were able to have it in the dining hall There were skits dances singing groups jokes and it was amazing to see how much talent our campers and staff have! We used iphones to provide the music and we didn’t need power to have a great show!

We brushed our teeth in the dark and got a special treat of not having to take showers! The J2 boys "showered" in the lake but for the rest of us we know it’s camp and sometimes it’s fun to skip a shower!

Tonight cabins are enjoying one more night together. As this is being typed cabins are busy packing sharing memories of the week and having fun before falling asleep.

Power is back on and we are heading to bed with dreams of our last day together tomorrow. 

It’s been a great week and we don’t want to see our campers go!

"To me, CYC is a place where I can really be myself and make new friends. At CYC, I feel safe and happy. The counselors at camp have inspired me. I feel closer to God since my experience at CYC." - Anna

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