Cleaning Up the Flood

After a few quiet weeks around CYC the water is receding more quickly than we’d expected and the staff are busy cleaning and getting camp ready for campers. 

Please continue to pray for CYC as we move forward from a natural disaster.

  • Pray for sunshine and hot weather to make the water evaporate quickly
  • Pray for the staff that we may have energy and enthusiasm as we clean and get camp into good shape for campers
  • Pray for our campers as they get ready for a great experience at CYC!

We are taking photos of our work and will share our progress later this week. 

REMEMBER- there are still open sessions for summer 2012. Register for a second session and help CYC save the summer!!

"What camp means to me is learning about God, making friends and having fun. But the most important thing is being yourself. We have lots of fun at camp. The counselors are great, the friends are nice, the themes are awesome, and the games rule! When I grow too old to come to camp I want to be a camp counselor, but for now, I will enjoy the fun at camp. See you this year!" - Josh

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