Day 1 of Summer 2019!

Summer 2019 is officially here! Today is our first day of CYC’s 72nd summer! Campers arrived excited and ready to be at camp! There were a few clouds, but nothing could put a damper on our first day. Everyone hopped off the bus and headed to our Friendship Circle for some songs and an exciting pepfest to introduce the CYC staff. And then it was time to divide into cabin groups. From there, campers grabbed their belongings and moved into their cabins.

Dinner was ravioli, broccoli, garlic bread, and rice krispie treats! Yum!

After dinner, cabins toured around camp, played “get to know ya” games and signed up for activities for the rest of the week. After that, it was time for the all-camp sing along! It was a little rainy, so we sand and danced inside, rather than at the fire circle.

Following the sing along, we headed to the chapel for Holy Ground and Praise and Worship. During Holy Ground, we discussed our first of the five Cs: courage. After challenging our Olympians to a week of courage here at camp, we sang praises in front of the tabernacle. After Praise and Worship, our campers left the chapel and entered into cabin devotionals to end an exciting day before heading off to Sweeney to get ready for bed. We can’t wait for a full day of camp activities tomorrow!

Keep up with our adventures on our photo site here-

"CYC is a great place to have fun, make friends, and share your faith. At camp, you can make a new friend almost anywhere like during activities, around the campfire, or in your cabin. If you get homesick, you’ll have nice friends and understanding counselors to help you out. You won’t need to worry about it too much because you’ll be having fun all day. No matter where you are, fishing, swimming, or playing soccer, you’ll be having a great time. CYC rocks!" - Joe

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