Day Four Wednesday of Carnival Week

The CYC carnival comes to town…

The only thing that has changed weather-wise in the past twenty-four hours is how strong the rain has been but even so our spirits and excitement couldn’t be higher! This afternoon after a full day of indoor activities (we made carnival masks and told stories planned skits for the talent show with our cabins and listened to some counselors share their musical and entertainment skills) the CYC carnival made its stop in Sweeney Up. There was popcorn and face-painting a balloon stomping challenge games for all and even a dunk tank (several brave counselors helped the rain soak them by dumping buckets of (lukewarm) water over their heads each time a ball was successfully thrown into a purple bowl. 

Some campers were dancing; some were winning tickets for our fabulous raffle; all of them were smiling.

One of the settle boys expressed what many of us were thinking towards the end of the activity when he asked "can the carnival come to town every day?"

"Not once did I EVER hear put downs. And CYC is the best camp to be at!!! And I bet this year will be even better." - Isabel

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