Frequently Asked Questions- Staff

What am I going to be responsible for?
You will be paired with another counselor and together you will be responsible for a cabin of 12 campers. First and foremost you are responsible for camper safety (physical and emotional) and happiness. You are expected to take campers through activities at camp interact with them at meals and throughout the day help them make friends and assist with anything else that comes up. You will teach three activities per day to mixed ages and gender groups. You will also participate in all camp activities counselor skits leading songs and nightly devotions.

What skills do I need for this job?
More than anything else you need to have a STRONG DESIRE to care for children. Your priority at all times is to tend to the needs of children. You need to be patient understanding have a sense of humor and a desire to see them enjoy their time at camp. We teach you everything else at training.

What are the hours I will be working?
Throughout the camp season you work from noon on Sunday until 4:00 pm on Friday. During the week you have an hour off each morning and afternoon as well as one night per week off. From Friday evening until Sunday morning you are free to use your time as you wish. You can stay at camp or leave for the weekend. You are expected to take one week of the summer off.

How much do I get paid?
Pay rates vary based on position and experience. First year counselors generally earn $200/week plus free room and board for the summer.

I’m not Catholic can I still work at CYC?
Yes! We welcome everyone! However all staff are expected to participate in all camp prayer and guide campers through nightly devotions.

"To me, CYC is a place where I can really be myself and make new friends. At CYC, I feel safe and happy. The counselors at camp have inspired me. I feel closer to God since my experience at CYC." - Anna

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