Operation Heroic Kids

Hosted by Catholic Youth Camp

July 17-22 2011

Who- Military Kids 7-12 years old!

What- Connect with other military kids celebrate being part of a military family learn more about the military all while having fun at camp!

Enjoy traditional camp activities like archery swimming and arts and crafts while also connecting with other military kids enjoying Military Day (a day of cool activities like tank rides sampling the food in MREs and much more!) and having fun!

Where- Catholic Youth Camp in McGregor MN is proud to host Operation Heroic Kids.

OHK camp is nondenominational and open to all kids!  Check out the rest of this website for more information about camp activities and photos. Ministry activities from our traditional programming will be replaced with nondenominational curriculum geared towards military kids.

When- July 17-22 2011

Why- When Mom or Dad is serving the country so are the kids who make sacrifices take on extra responsibilities and support their soldiers. This is a week for kids to be kids to celebrate being part of a military family and to connect with other military kids!

How- Register now using the code OHK2011 to sign up!  Operation Heroic Kids is $470 for the week. Financial Aid is not available but see below for information about fundraising.



  • Use our sample letter or create one of your own to send to family friends neighbors local businesses community organizations or your church.
  • Ask for a small donation towards the cost of camp- $1050 $100- it adds up quickly and pretty soon you can earn your way to camp!
  • Donations are not tax deductible
  • Donations can be sent directly to the CYC office
  • Don’t forget to send a "thank you" letter upon receipt of every donation
  • Once your camper has been to camp follow up with another letter including photos and descriptions of all of the fun things the camper got to do by going to camp!

Download a sample of the donation letter here: userfiles/Camper Donation Letter- 2011.pdf


Payment Plan

Contact the CYC office (651-636-1645) to set up a payment plan. Pay $50/month and before you know it you’ll be paid in full!





"CYC means a lot to me, it means growing in faith, having friendships that may last forever and just having fun." - Jennifer

Help Support CYC