Daily Schedule

7:15 am- Polar Bear Plunge- Campers can choose to start their mornings off with a refreshing jump in Big Sandy lake down at our swim beach!

8:00 am- Breakfast

8:35 am- Flag raising and morning Holy Ground! Start the day with energy and spirit!

9 am- First Cabin Activity:  Cabins can choose from a variety of activities including any of the individual activities, activities based on the theme of the week or an idea they come up with!

10 am- Second Cabin Activity: Time for another activity that was decided upon by the cabin.

11 am- Camper Break: Take some time to chill out! Visit the camp store, play Gaga or 4-Square, frisbee, grab some supplies in the Art Barn, etc.

11:30 am- All Camp Activity: These activities are always a surprise and include things like tie-dye, relays, large group games, and Mass once a week.

12:00 pm- Lunch

12:45 pm- Rest time: nap, write letters, read a book or reflect.

2:00 pm- Individual Activity 1: Campers choose from the following activities to do throughout the week- arts and crafts, throwing (archery, slingshot and throwing hatchets), boating (canoe, kayak, and paddle boats), paddle boards, fishing, swimming, dance, drama, sports, rangers (campfire cooking, nature skills, etc.).

3:00 pm- Divine Mercy Chaplet: All of camp comes together for a brief prayer break in the middle of the day.

3:15 pm- Individual Activity 2: Campers choose from the following activities to do throughout the week- arts and crafts, throwing (archery, slingshot and throwing tomahawks), boating (canoe, kayak, and paddle boats), paddle boards, fishing, swimming, dance, drama, sports, rangers (campfire cooking, nature skills, etc.).

4:15 pm- Individual Activity 3:Campers choose from the following activities to do throughout the week- arts and crafts, throwing (archery, slingshot and throwing tomahawks), boating (canoe, kayak, and paddle boats), paddle boards, fishing, swimming, dance, drama, sports, rangers (campfire cooking, nature skills, etc.).

5:15 pm Cabin Regroup: Campers meet back up with their cabin to get ready for dinner and the evening fun!

5:30 pm- Dinner

6:30 pm- Prime Time: Visit the camp store, skip rocks down on Sunset, ramp up your cabin spirit!

7:00 pm- All Camp Evening Activity: This activity is different each day and includes all camp games like Angels & Demons, campfire, dance party, talent show, etc.

8:00 pm- Praise and Worship- High energy songs, prayer, reflection and a time to come together as a community to get excited about God!

8:40 pm- Day is Done: Cabins rotate between showers, snack time, nightly devotions and get ready for a good night of sleep!

"CYC is a great place to have fun, make friends, and share your faith. At camp, you can make a new friend almost anywhere like during activities, around the campfire, or in your cabin. If you get homesick, you’ll have nice friends and understanding counselors to help you out. You won’t need to worry about it too much because you’ll be having fun all day. No matter where you are, fishing, swimming, or playing soccer, you’ll be having a great time. CYC rocks!" - Joe

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