Meet the Staff

Year Round Staff

Executive Director

Erika Haveman

Growing up on 75 rolling acres of a maple farm in Ontario, Canada Erika is familiar with life in the outdoors.  As a kid she attended several different camps, all faith based, and can attest to the fact that camp builds character, independence, and a relationship with Christ.  She is a rambling homebody – as much as she loves having a place to land she also loves taking flight and exploring the world.  At 17 she lived in the Netherlands for a few months, at 19 moved to Alberta and then Australia before spending a few months in Japan, the latter two locations wetting her toes in the mission field.  At 20 she began 4 years pioneering a youth ministry at her church, while studying Youth Ministry at college in the summers, establishing a board alongside of a thriving ministry.  From there she was drawn back into global missions, spending the next 9 years based in Montana but traveling all over the world to support Bible teaching missionaries: practically developing programming, offering Biblical education in hard to reach locations, deepening her own understanding of Biblical Theology and never saying no to opportunity to converse about Jesus and the Bible.

When not sifting through all that the role of Executive Director for CYC demands, Erika can be found socializing with her friends, curled up with a book on her balcony, watching planes make their way to unknown corners of the world, caring for her plants, or cooking up something flavorful in her kitchen.  She loves silence, solitude and Sabbath, but is incredibly excited to be a part of the future of CYC that will inevitably include happy campers, cheerful counselors, and endless joy filled memories.

"Not once did I EVER hear put downs. And CYC is the best camp to be at!!! And I bet this year will be even better." - Isabel

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