Thursday- Crazy DAze

It was our last full day of camp this week and so we crammed as much goodness as we could possibly cram into a day! 

It was a great day to have an archery/throwing tomahawk/slingshot competition canoe around the lake play sports go fishing and go swimming. The drama group and dance groups were busy with last minute rehearsal for the talent show and outdoor adventures were building fires and learning how to survive!

After dinner (turkey in gravy over mashed potatoes!) cabins headed to the Friendship Circle to watch the FANTASTIC talent show! There were skits dances singing groups jokes and it was amazing to see how much talent our campers and staff have! 

Afterwards we headed to the chapel for our closing Praise and Worship. Since it is the last of the week we did things a little different. Our ‘C’ of the day is COMMUNITY and we talked about all of the people (campers staff parents volunteers donors alumni) who go into making CYC such a strong community. There are other camps out there with similar activities but none can compare to us because we are a community based in faith that comes together to have fun make friends and connect through our shared love of God. That’s pretty powerful! 

Because it is CrAzY dAzE week at CYC we have been doing lots of special things and tonight for our last night together we are doing something a little bit different than usual- we are having a late night movie party! This doesn’t happen very often at camp (once a summer or less) but since it’s all older kids and we’ve had so much fun outside in nature we decided to pop some popcorn bring our pillows and watch Despicable Me (a pretty fun movie!) before bed. 

After the movie cabins will be busy packing sharing memories of the week and having fun before falling asleep.

There’s still more fun ahead tomorrow morning and then we will welcome our parents for the 1:15 closing program. It will last about 45 minutes and then the bus will leave around 2:15. The bus will arrive back in Roseville around 5pm. Call us if you have questions. See you tomorrow…

"CYC to me is a fun, uplifting, and spiritual camp for kids of all ages. Every morning there I wake up with a smile on my face, and I am like ā€œ YESSSSS Iā€™m still here!!!ā€ I never want to leave. CYC has outrageous counselors there that give courage to be yourself and to love and adore God!" - Isabel

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