Thursday of Games to the Max

 Our last full day of camp was possibly the best yet! What a great day!!

Breakfast was egg sausage and cheese breakfast sandwiches and then it was time for morning chapel. Afterwards cabins were busy with activities and then it was off to the mud pit. Cabins competed in tug-o-war over our giant sloppy mud pit. But the real fun comes afterwards when each cabin has the chance to jump in the mud pit and get COVERED in ooey gooey messy mud. Some campers went in just a little bit and some slid in head first! Almost everyone ended up with some mud on them. Once everyone was good and messy we all headed down to the beach to wash off. 

After the mud pit it was time for weekly mass. Our jam band is especially awesome this year and our campers love to sing which makes chapel an energizing and excellent part of the day. The ‘C’ of the day was Christ so it was a nice opportunity to take a break from the sunshine and crazy silly camp fun to remember what makes CYC such a special place. There are lots of camps out there but our community is rooted in faith and when campers come together for fun and friendship with faith at the center of all of it it makes for a place that has been exceptional for 69 years! 

Lunch was chicken tenders and tater tots (another camp favorite!) and then it was time for an hour of rest. 

Activities were in full swing after rest time. The dance and drama groups were busy rehearsing and perfecting their acts for the big show canoers were enjoying a long paddle on the lake campfire cooking made ice cream and apple cobbler arts and crafts made string bowls fishing was looking for the hot spots and archery was hitting those bulls eyes.

Dinner was super nachos and then it was time for our favorite camp game- Angels and Demons. Campers are divided into two teams. Campers have to run through the forest and go to each of the three angels stationed throughout the woods. Campers get little scraps of paper signed at each station and once they have all 3 they bring it back and put it in their team bucket. Whichever team has the most at the end wins! BUT there are also demons scattered through the forest and if they tag the campers the campers have to give up their paper and try again. You have to be fast or you have to be clever to sneak around the demons. Either way it is a blast and everyone loves this game! 

And then it was time for the fantastic talent show! And what a show it was! We have the most talented campers around and the Thursday talent show was proof of that! It was a great show with lots of laughs and much entertainment. There were skits comedy dance singing and even some magic.

A full day but we weren’t done yet! After chapel we had a recognition ceremony where each camper received a bead necklace representing one of the 5 Cs (courage charity community cooperation and Christ). We listened to a story that explained the meaning of the 5 Cs and walked by torch to the campfire circle to celebrate each camper. It was a powerful way to end our week. 

Whew! What a great final full day of camp! We look forward to seeing the parents who are coming to our closing program tomorrow (which will begin at 1:15pm). Thank you for leaving your pets at home.

"CYC to me is a fun, uplifting, and spiritual camp for kids of all ages. Every morning there I wake up with a smile on my face, and I am like ā€œ YESSSSS Iā€™m still here!!!ā€ I never want to leave. CYC has outrageous counselors there that give courage to be yourself and to love and adore God!" - Isabel

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