Thursday of Harry Potter Week

A morning of classes 

This morning it was back to school for our campers (I know I know — they just got out for the summer!). Of course the classes these campers were enrolled in were no ordinary classes. They were CYC’s take on Hogwarts classes.

That’s right. Campers were able to learn a few spells care for some magical creatures (bulldogs are close enough right?) and transfigure themselves into all sorts of things.

Becca even led a class on identification that included tasting and identifying several magical plants (basil chives and rosemary to name a few). Every seven minutes the bell would ring and campers were hurried off to their next class. After about an hour of the activity we once again dismissed school for the summer and headed over to camp store break time!

A special visitor…

This morning in Holy Ground (morning chapel time) campers were told that we would be having a visit from a very special guest. And sure enough around about four thirty a car pulled up and out stepped Father Craig Timmerman from Canby MN. Father Craig celebrated mass with us and hung around for dinner. The campers gave him a very warm welcome and even a round of applause for his help with camp worship this week.
Sharing our talents…
Campers and staff showed their stuff tonight around the friendship circle. From 7:30 until about 8:30 we held our weekly talent show. We were amazed by several mystifying magic acts entertained by several singers and treated to a skit and a dance by the drama and dance groups respectively. Here at CYC we’re always amazed by the quality of our camper and the talent show is just one more way that this comes out.
Now it’s heads meds and beds time and tomorrow the campers head out. Several camper have expressed their desires to stay all summer already: we only wish they could! After tomorrow it will be back to the summer routine for them and we’ll count down the days until they get to come back and visit.

"CYC is a great place to have fun, make friends, and share your faith. At camp, you can make a new friend almost anywhere like during activities, around the campfire, or in your cabin. If you get homesick, you’ll have nice friends and understanding counselors to help you out. You won’t need to worry about it too much because you’ll be having fun all day. No matter where you are, fishing, swimming, or playing soccer, you’ll be having a great time. CYC rocks!" - Joe

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