Thursday of Secret Agent Week

Our last full day of camp was possibly the best yet! What a great day!!

Breakfast was sausage, egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches and then it was time for morning chapel. Our ‘C’ of the day was community- which is fitting because throughout the week we’ve been using all of the C’s to build an awesome, fun, respectful and encouraging community. CYC is definitely the best place to be because of our community.

Right after camp store break, we had our final secret agent all camp activity to receive the last clue and be one step closer to discovering who stole the key to the magical door! Counselors hid in various locations in the main camp area and campers looked for them. When they found a counselor, they were given a letter for the final clue. Counselors got clever and hid in tricky places, so campers’ perfected secret agent skills were really put to the test!

Lunch was meatball subs, fruit, and salad bar. Yum! Then we had an hour of rest time.

Activities were in full swing. The drama group was busy rehearsing and perfecting their act for the big show, canoers/kayakers, paddle boaters and paddle boarders were enjoying paddling around the Big Sandy Lake, archery was hitting those bulls eyes and the sun came out in the afternoon and swimmers were LOVING the lake!

Dinner was turkey gravy mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans! And since it was “Christmas” after dinner, we all decorated Christmas cookies for dessert!

After dinner we had our final hour of prime time for the week, and then it was time for the highly anticipated CYC talent show! There was so much talent to be shared and it was a great time! At the end, our LITs put on a second trial in order to get to the very bottom of who stole the missing key. Pairs of suspects were called up to the stage and questioned. In the end, the top secret information that media specialists Reid and Brittany were the culprits, was revealed…dun dun dun! It makes sense, especially with the final clue from the morning all camp activity being “say cheese”. Since the criminals were final discovered and therefore the key recovered, we all went to see what was hidden behind the magical door. IT WAS ICE CREAM! Everyone got their own cup before flagpole and chapel.

A full day but we weren’t done yet! After chapel we had a recognition ceremony where each camper received a bead necklace representing one of the 5 Cs (courage, charity, community, cooperation and Christ). We listened to a story that explained the meaning of the 5 Cs and walked by torch light to the campfire circle to celebrate each camper. It was a powerful way to end our week.

Whew! What a great final full day of camp! We look forward to seeing the parents who are coming to our closing program tomorrow (which will begin at 1:15pm). Thank you for leaving your pets at home.

If your camper is riding the bus home, we will return to the Roseville Professional Center around 5pm.

"To me Catholic Youth Camp is a place I can be myself and know others will not judge me. Plus it is a place where I can learn more about my religion and proclaim it to the world freely." - JP

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