Tuesday Evening — Crazy Days

The overnight…

Campers here at CYC are just heading to bed after a full evening. Several other campers however are probably sitting around a dying yellowy campfire and getting ready to crawl into their sleeping bags. The pathfinders who opted into the overnight were taken (by van and pontoon) this afternoon to the CYC campsite on Aitkin Lake.

Campers on the overnight enjoyed a dinner of camp stew (our famous chicken and veggie mixture) and a delicious dessert of banana boats and s’mores. The boys and girls (separated by a half mile path through the woods) hung out for a bit after dinner and then headed back to their respective sites. The girls as I understand spent a while making friendship bracelets and doing some development activities. The boys played mafia and did some team builders themselves.

Early tomorrow morning they’ll be picked up by the vans and brought safely back to CYC; a little bug-bitten perhaps but alive and well!

Game night…

The remaining campers here at CYC weren’t just sitting around and counting the hours until Friday — of course not! Instead they played card games (spoons Nertz 21 and others) painted nails (mostly it was just girls who were left) and participated in a few minute-to-win-it challenges.

There was even some karaoke thrown in for good measure.

Tomorrow is another day with more fabulous activities! Keep checking in for updates!

"To me Catholic Youth Camp is a place I can be myself and know others will not judge me. Plus it is a place where I can learn more about my religion and proclaim it to the world freely." - JP

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