Tuesday of Olympic Week

 Today was such a great day! We began the day with polar bear plunge and then it was time for breakfast (waffles and sasuage).  It was downpouring this morning during breakfast so we had a special morning chapel service in the basement of Sweeney dining hall. Lucky for us as soon as we were done with chapel the sun came out and it was hot sunny and perfect weather all day. We spent the first two hours of the day in cabin activities. Cabins were canoeing playing sports working on arts and crafts fishing paddle boating paddle boarding and swimming. 

Before lunch we had Olympic stations where cabins competed in a variety of challenges like seeing how many pennies they could stack navigating a ribbon maze (blindfolded and connected to everyone else in the cabin) using a tennis ball inside a stocking dangled from campers’ heads to try to knock down bowling pins etc. 

Lunch was grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup and then we headed to a much needed rest time! 

This afternoon was gorgeous sunny and a perfect day for being at camp! Campfire cooking make brownies inside of orage peels the canoers were out and about and drama was getting their act ready for the talent show. Archery was aiming the dancers were dancing and swimmers were swimming! It was a busy day!

Dinner was chicken fajitas and lemon bars!

Cabin free time after dinner gave cabins a chance to perfect their talent show acts skip rocks at the beach make some craft projects play soccer and relax after a long day. 

Then it was time to head to the Friendship Circle for a campfire! We sang tons of songs each cabin performed their cabin cheer we did the traditional CYC cheer and then we made some yummy s’mores!

After that it was time to raise the roof in praise and worship- singing so loud you could probably hear us across the lake! 

It was a great day at camp!! 

"CYC to me is a fun, uplifting, and spiritual camp for kids of all ages. Every morning there I wake up with a smile on my face, and I am like ā€œ YESSSSS Iā€™m still here!!!ā€ I never want to leave. CYC has outrageous counselors there that give courage to be yourself and to love and adore God!" - Isabel

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