Tuesday of OPC!

 TOday was Military Day at OPC! 

After breakfast everyone headed down to raise the flag which we’ve done each day this week but this morning we had some National Guard soldiers to help us out. And then it was on to a FULL day of activities. 

There were many stations that cabins rotated through all day- MRE tasting (lots of yummy treats for us to taste and even some coffee which made already energetic campers PUMPED for the day) flag folding drills (you should see our campers march in sync now!) PT (getting everyone in good shape!) gear races (even 7 year old campers can put on heavy gear quickly when there’s a race invovled!) there were some big trucks kids got to climb in and around and a card making station where kids helped us create a cool flag and some cards for soldiers. 

Bag lunches were delivered to everyone at their noon stations and it was a full day of fun!

After some rest time in the afternoon campers went swimming and then played group games on the field. 

Dinner (pulled pork sandwiches!!) was followed by more cabin activities and then our FAVORITE camp game- Angels and Demons!

Angels are positioned throughout the forest and campers must take a piece of paper to each angel to get it signed and then bring the paper back to the bucket. The team with the most papers wins. However if they are tagged by the demons (don’t worry- it’s just counselors!) they have to give up their paper and try again. Campers have to be fast clever and strategic!

We are having a blast and excited for more adventures tomorrow.

Have you visited the CYC YouTube channel yet? Check out slideshows from previous weeks goofy videos of camp staff and much more! http://www.youtube.com/user/cyc1947?feature=watc

"Not once did I EVER hear put downs. And CYC is the best camp to be at!!! And I bet this year will be even better." - Isabel

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