Tuesday of Super Stars and Stripes Week

 Today was such a great day! We began the day with polar bear plunge and then it was time for breakfast (pancakes and bacon).  Morning chapel was next (charity was the ‘C’ of the day) and then two hours of cabin activities. Cabins were canoeing playing sports working on arts and crafts fishing and swimming. The weather was perfect all day- not a cloud in the sky which made for a perfect day at camp!

Before lunch we had "From Sea to Shining Sea" trivia. Everyone was at the beach and cabins chose one counselor to represent their cabin in the water. The counselors stood in the water and with each trivia question that the cabin answered correctly the counselor got to take a step towards the floating dock. The ultimate goal was to get your counselor to the dock to retrieve an American flag. Cabin L1 (our oldest boys) were the ultimate champs but EVERYONE had a lot of spirit and a ton of fun!

Lunch was italian dunkers and caesar salad and then we headed to a much needed rest time! 

After rest time it was time for the first individual activity that they signed up for on Sunday night. Each activity brings together boys and girls from different cabins. Individual activity periods last one hour each and campers will do the same two activities each day. Arts and crafts archery/tomahawk/slingshot canoe/kayak fishing dance drama sports swimming and campfire cooking. It was a great start to the week! 

Dinner was hamburgers and french fries (yum!) and then it was time for a National Treasure challenge! Campers had to go from station to station completing a variety of tasks (decoding a message at one unlocking a code at another etc). At each station they collected a piece of a puzzle. At the final station they put together the puzzle and then got the final clue so they could find the Declaration of Independence. It was a complex challenge that required teamwork and problem solving! 

But the night wasn’t over yet! At 7:30 we headed to the Friendship Circle for a campfire! We sang tons of songs each cabin performed their cabin cheer and then we made some yummy s’mores! There were some counselor skits and lots of fun!

After that it was time to raise the roof in praise and worship- singing so loud you could probably hear us across the lake! Whew! What a busy day!!

It was a great day at camp!! 

"To me, CYC is a place where I can really be myself and make new friends. At CYC, I feel safe and happy. The counselors at camp have inspired me. I feel closer to God since my experience at CYC." - Anna

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