Wednesday Fun!!

Another great day at CYC. We started the day with morning Holy Ground (and prayed that the power outage would be over quickly!) and then moved into some exciting indoor activities. Groups rotated from  paper airplane making to water trivia to board games and then to relay races that had campers going from one pile of goofy clothes and hats to the next trying to be the first in full costume to complete the race!

After relays we enjoyed a wonderful and entertaining counselor show (Broadway theater has NOTHING on the CYC counselors). Counselors acted in skits danced told some jokes and kept everyone laughing and enjoying the show.

Campers must have said some prayers during rest time after lunch because the sun came out and the weather was gorgeous all afternoon. Campers were busy in activities- the drama and dance groups were working on their acts for the talent show fishing had lots of bites and saw a few big ones swim by art was busy working on paper mache archery/slingshot was working on their super aim canoers were paddling and sports was helping everyone get their energy out. 

Dinner (pulled pork sandwiches) was followed by a great game that was invented at CYC called FUZZ BALL. Groups must gather 5 "fuzz balls" of their team color without getting tagged by anyone on opposing teams or by the snatchers (caped counselors). 

When fuzz ball was finished we headed into the chapel for evening prayer and sang until the rafters were shaking. 

This evening we joined together at the fire pit to sing group cheers and make s’mores! But even after all the activity of the day campers still had tons of energy so we went to the field for some fast paced field games to burn off that last bit of energy! 

We have lots of fun staff ahead of us tomorrow and can’t wait for another adventure!

"CYC to me is a fun, uplifting, and spiritual camp for kids of all ages. Every morning there I wake up with a smile on my face, and I am like ā€œ YESSSSS Iā€™m still here!!!ā€ I never want to leave. CYC has outrageous counselors there that give courage to be yourself and to love and adore God!" - Isabel

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