Wednesday of Secret Agent Week

What a crazy (but super fun) day at CYC! It was a great day to be at camp!

Breakfast was delicious – french toast sticks and sausage! The ‘C’ of the day was Christ.  We started our day out with an activity, and then we gathered together for an all camp, secret agent mission! Each cabin received a secret message with symbols. These symbols were posted on items around camp. Cabins had to find the symbols and decode the message! It was tricky, so campers really had to put their secret agent skills to use! Then we had campstore and had the chance to jump into the highly anticipated mud pit! It was a blast!

Lunch was quesadillas, fruit, and salad bar. And then it was time for some rest time and afternoon activities. The weather was cooler, but we had a blast being outside and having fun.

Dinner was hamburgers, fries, beans, and salad bar. Yum! At the end of our meal, counselor Ryan updated us on the newest clue that was decoded during the all camp activity in the morning: “double trouble”. Campers are getting closer to discovering who stole the secret key to the magical door near the art barn. And, as if the mystery hasn’t been exciting enough, our awesome LITs (Leaders in Training), or AITs (Agents in Training) put on a trial to question different counselors and suspects. It was pretty intense.

Now we have Prime Time, then it’s the night everyone is always waiting for- the dance party! The disco ball is shining, the music will be blasting and the campers and staff will be dancing their hearts out! We still have plenty of energy to burn, so this dance party is needed!

Luckily we have another great day ahead of us tomorrow!

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"CYC is a great place to have fun, make friends, and share your faith. At camp, you can make a new friend almost anywhere like during activities, around the campfire, or in your cabin. If you get homesick, you’ll have nice friends and understanding counselors to help you out. You won’t need to worry about it too much because you’ll be having fun all day. No matter where you are, fishing, swimming, or playing soccer, you’ll be having a great time. CYC rocks!" - Joe

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